1ASIABET is now recruiting Affiliates! The 1ASIABET Affiliate program provides professional and dedicated support to all 1ASIABET Affiliates and it entails absolutely no Affiliate sign-up costs!
How do I become a 1ASIABET Affiliate?
Getting started in 3 easy steps:
1. Proven record of being an Affiliate/Agent for a similar industry platform
2. Or proven record with great experience in digital marketing
Commission Plan
Active Players (Definition)
Report & Payout
Commission Rate Chart (1ASIABET interpretation basis as final and binding).
Here is a simple formula that explains how Affiliate commissions are calculated:
Note: If less than 3 active customers, the commission will not be calculated;
Example 1:
If Company Net Win is PHP20,000, active customers lesser than 3 (<3), No commission;
Example 2:
If Company Net Win is PHP5,000, active customers more than 3 (>=3) but less than 5, Commission = 5,000 x 30%;
Example 3:
If Company Net Win is PHP600,000, active customers more than 5 (>=5) but less than 10, Commission = 600,000 x 35%;
Example 4:
If Company Net Win is PHP600,000, active customers lesser than 5 (<5), Commission = 600,000 x 30%;